How To Get Free Or Cheap Hair Product Samples
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We all use hair products every day (or at least, we should), and with newer and more innovative hair products entering the market every day, we don’t always know if the new products are suitable for our hair types. There is a simple way to find out, and that is by getting the products for free. With a simple search in your web browser, you will find that you have endless possibilities.
Key Takeaways
- Great free hair product samples go fast, don’t expect to find a massive list of ongoing free product samples for hair products because you simply will not. Getting free samples regularly takes time, effort and some luck. Some companies will always be willing to give out free samples of their hair care products but the supplies are usually limited to hundreds or thousands of samples which goes fast on the vast internet.
- When all else fails, like if you can’t get free hair product samples, you can always get discount coupons to get cheap sample or full size products.
The Best Places To Find Cheap Or Free Hair Product Samples
Companies are often eager to hand out free samples of their products, especially when it comes to hair care, since they get a product tester in the process. Here’s how you can get free hair product samples.
Yo! Free Samples
Here at Yo! Free Samples there are many offers for free hair care products. The problem is that they expire extremely fast if they are legitimate offers. Generally fake/scammy offers are the ones that have forms that remain open for long periods of time. Another tell tale sign of a fake offer is having to take excessive surveys. Asking about hair color/is your hair curly or oily? Sure that is fine. If it starts asking about your social security number, Netflix subscriptions, do you have ADT security and other completely other related questions, you likely landed on a scam freebie. We never share fake freebies here at Yo! Free Samples.
Here are the latest free samples that are related to hair products below:
FREE Hair Accessories & Tools Products At Home Tester Club (Must Apply)
FREE Arey Hair Care Products For Early Graying Testers (Must Apply)
FREE Scalp Massager & Hair Serum For Referring Friends
Nearly FREE Daily Dose Deep Hair Conditioner ($3.99 S/H)
FREE Spora Care Scalp Revitalizing Serum Sample
FREE Redken Hair Serum Sample from SoPost is a sampling company that is a focused on consumers to help them try new things. When you join, you get matched with samples once per month. Unlike PINCHme or TryProducts which have become scammy asking you to fill out offers, has resisted these efforts to make more money at the expense of user experience. In any given sample box, you will get to try the best products that are available at the time which range in categories like food, health and beauty, including hair care products; and this is at no cost to you.
Social Nature
Social Nature is focused on natural and organic products, mainly food products; however they do offer natural or organic beauty products to sample from time to time. You need to sign up then apply to any open beauty products that are being sampled by taking a quick survey to see if you are a good match for what the company offering the sample is looking for in a consumer.
Garnier has many offers that will definitely save you money, and this company is known for its quality products. You can watch their website for cheap deals and occasional sample giveaways that they often make available to their online visitors and loyal customers.
P&G Brands Coupons
When you become a member of the P&G Good Everyday club, you can get free coupons that can be used on any of the P&G Brand products that are available. The vouchers are ready to print with only a few clicks.
If you are looking to have valuable products at your fingertips, this is definitely an avenue you should pursue. When you sign up for membership, you will become a part of a community that has access to mega-brand rewards programs and coupons representing some of the greatest names in hair care, like Head And Shoulders.
Walmart Beauty Box
Walmart offers a new Walmart Beauty Box with every new season. You won’t always know what is inside the box before you get it, so it’s like getting a new mystery prize every season. But each package includes a variety of beauty samples that they have available in Walmart stores.
Each season has a new box, selling at around $7, including shipping (T’s and C’s apply, of course). Receiving one of these beauty boxes is like opening a new present; not only are there valuable products in the box, but you will also receive helpful tips on how to use the products effectively.
Amazon Shampoo And Conditioner Sample Kits
Amazon offers you a variety of shampoo and conditioner sample kits that you can choose from. However, you should note that this isn’t free, but some of them are excellent value sample kits available at very low prices. This is one of the best value options that you can look at. It is Amazon, after all.
P&G Dermatology (Head And Shoulders)
P&G Brands gives you the option to receive a free Head And Shoulders sample kit. Ordering this sample kit will provide you with a 3oz Head And Shoulder Classic Clean Shampoo plus a $2 coupon. This free sample hair care product will keep your hair clean and give you a bonus to boot. You have to be a doctor to request this one though making it not great for everyone.
Jessicurl has an array of hair product samples for you to choose from. The first sample of each product is free; after that, you have the option to buy additional samples at the low price of ±$1.50. You do have to pay about $5 in shipping though.
Jessicurl really understands that having the opportunity to try something new can sometimes be difficult for some customers. We are all creatures of habit, which sometimes makes it difficult to switch to new products. Jessicurl’s sample offering helps to overcome that challenge and introduces you to new products that you can try without a sizeable investment.
Verb Sample Kits
With the Verb Sample Kit, you have the option to build your own custom sample kit if you don’t mind paying for shipping. Now that is something you don’t see often. Unlike the other sample packs, with Verb, you will know what to expect, which may remove the surprise from the deal, but at least you will know that you will be able to use each one of those samples.
Verb constantly receives very high reviews, so this is a company that you can trust to not only send the samples in the mail but also to provide products of high quality.
Grocery Coupon Network
Grocery Coupon Network focuses not only on hair care products but also on providing discount coupons for various grocery products in general, including hair care products. It’s a reliable option to look into if you want to save some money on your groceries.
Groupon Coupons
Groupon offers you excellent deals on a wide range of different hair care products. If you are not a Groupon member yet, then maybe it is time to look into all the savings that you have available on their website. A quick search on the Groupon website reveals literally hundreds of offers on hair care products to choose from.
Related Questions
Companies have a few reasons for giving away free hair products. Once you sign up for free hair product samples, you are automatically in that company’s database, which allows them to market any new products to you.
Secondly, if you feel that their product has value for you, then you will, of course, become a happy paying customer. Lastly, giving samples allows these companies to test the popularity and general uptake of new products so that they know how they can improve on their marketing.
There are no “one size fits all” answers to this question. To get rid of hair styling build-up, and if your hair is healthy, you can probably get away with only washing it three times a week. Washing your hair too often, like every day, can break down your hair’s natural oils, which could make your hair dry out and break.
Using additional styling products can cause irritation to your scalp and cause your hair to dry out and break. It is vital that you clean your hair correctly to eliminate any hair styling product build-up that could cause damage and irritation.