FAKE ALERT: Textile Sale Bracelet Samples

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Update: This is part of a “WebSEO” fake freebie network powered by another freebie site that has Russian ties. More info here.

It’s a great day for exposing fakes. This Textile Sale company is another fake tied to a network of fakes. This time they are offering a free bracelet. I’ve discovered how it’s connected with all these other Russian Fake Freebies and are now better know as the “WebSEO” fake freebie network.


Here is the URL if you want to follow along, however I urge you not to share your information with this website: http://textilesale.ru/

Let’s dig into why this is likely to be a fake

  1. They contacted me via email on 9/14/17 in the 100% exact same template as I’ve gotten for the other fake freebies.
  2. They forgot to change “Country” to English at the time of this writing and they left “Страна” which is “A country” in Russian. Lazy move. People who care about customers aren’t lazy like this in my opinion.
  3. It has a single author account on their website, it’s nickname is “webseo” which if you read about it here, ties it to a fake network of websites used for nothing but marketing purposes and profit. Here is the URL for the author page, and it’s all in Russian too: http://textilesale.ru/author/webseo/
  4. This fake is different than the others in their network of fakes, they have a count down timer and the form is more like a page you’d see for a re-billing free trial scam. You know those pages that ask for only $0.99 for a free sample then they charge you $80/month after? Yeah, those.
  5. At the time of this writing there aren’t any ads on the site, but if they follow the “formula” I’ve observed they will have advertising and a possible “pop up” asking for help in the future. All telltale signs of being a fake freebie.
  6. It is on the web server as this other fake which isn’t evidence it’s tied together but it shows WebSEO is getting lazy.
  7. Web archive history and WHOIS look normal, nothing out of ordinary or dates that line up. They used private registration so you can’t see who has it. The site appears to be clear of any viruses or malware thankfully.

I am confident to say this is just a short term profit scheme and I am also confident that this freebie will never, ever come. If you signed up for this one, worst case is you’ll get some spam mail, spam email and perhaps some sketchy links from fake PayPal/Amazon/other websites. Don’t trust links that ask for your password or any personal information, ever. Thank you for reading my fake freebie rant.

-John ‘Samples’ Clark

FAKE ALERT: Textile Sale Bracelet Samples

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