When Is the Cheapest Time of Year for Tree Removal?

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When Is the Cheapest Time of Year for Tree Removal?
When Is the Cheapest Time of Year for Tree Removal?

Trees have many advantages. They offer shade in the hot summer months and look beautiful during crisp fall afternoons. However, when not properly maintained, they can also become a potential hazard.


Overgrown, decaying, or dead trees can pose potential hazards to your home, vehicles, and more. But, have you ever wondered when is the cheapest time of year for tree removal? Also, when is the best time of year to hire a tree service?

We’ll answer these questions and more. So if you’ve got overgrown or potentially hazardous tree growth around your home, keep reading for a quick guide for homeowners when it comes to tree service.

Cheapest Time of Year for Tree Removal? 

Many people often ask us when is the cheapest time of year for tree removal services? The answer is that it can depend on several factors. For instance, like any other service, it often depends on supply and demand. While tree removal services are offered year-round, they may offer special deals for slower times of the year. 

So when are those slower times of the year? 


The quick answer is that tree services offer cheaper services in the winter due to the demand for tree services during this time of the year being a bit slower. So if you don’t have a pressing need to remove a tree, you can save a few extra dollars by scheduling services during the winter months.

For more information about national averages and prices, keep reading. 

What Other Factors Can Affect Price? 

Outside of the season, when requesting tree service, a few factors can affect the price. Here are a few factors to consider: 

  • Size
  • Type
  • Location
  • Tree condition
  • The angle of the tree
  • The condition of the soil
  • Whether you need emergency removal

Let’s take a little closer look at each factor to help you get a sense of how each factor can affect the price. 


Another factor to consider when scheduling tree removal services is the size of your tree. According to HomeGuide, the size of your tree can make a difference in the price you pay. 

Here are a few examples: 


  • Up to 30 Feet, you can expect to pay between $100 to $300. 
  • Between 30 and 60 feet, you can expect to pay between $300 to $700
  • Between 60 and 80 feet, you can expect to pay between $700 and $1,100
  • Over 80 feet, expect to pay between $1,100 and $1,800

The reason for these ranges in cost is that tree services often charge per square foot. The national average per square foot is $12. 


While size can affect the price you pay for tree services, so can the type of tree. Here are some average costs for tree removal based on the type of tree: 

  • Oak – $950
  • Pine – $1,100
  • Palm – $650
  • Poplar – $1,100 or more
  • Maple – $1,100 or more

Part of the reason for the range in prices is that some of these trees grow taller and wider than others. Therefore, trees that are taller and have a larger diameter will cost more to remove. 


The tree’s location in relation to other parts of your land can change the difficulty level of removing the tree. For instance, if the tree is close to the home, garage, or electrical lines, it can be more cumbersome to remove the tree. In addition, for the extra work and labor required to move it, you’ll end up paying a bit more. 

Tree Condition

The tree’s condition can also play a role in how much you pay for tree removal services. For instance, for trees that are decaying and dying, there are other factors to consider. Decaying or dying trees can pose a potential hazard to nearby vegetation and shrubbery. 

Not only that, but they can also be a danger to people working on tree removal. For these reasons, a further inspection of the tree may be necessary to affect the price you pay for tree removal. 

The Angle of the Tree

Depending on the angle of your tree and the way it’s leaning, it can pose potential hazards for your home. That can complicate the process of removing the tree.


Trees that lean over the home or other valuable parts of your property need to be treated with special care. In those instances, you may pay more for tree removal. 

The Condition of the Soil

In some cases, trees can grow in very rocky, muddy, or vulnerable soil if there is the chance of a mudslide or other issues when it comes to removing a tree that will factor into the price. Therefore, we must take every precaution to ensure the safety of other areas surrounding the tree. 

Emergency Removal

Sometimes, you cannot put off tree removal due to unforeseen issues. For example, sometimes a tree may need to be removed urgently after a bad storm. Other times, a tree may become so weak it’s dangerous to leave it for a later time. In these instances, emergency tree removal services are required. 

The Best Time of Year to Hire a Tree Service

By now, you know the cheapest time of year for tree removal and some of the other factors that can play a role in what you pay. If you need tree removal services, be sure to schedule a free estimate today. 

If your tree can wait until the cold winter months, even better. You’ll save a little money and have an easier time scheduling your tree removal service. 

I hope this help inform you how to save a little money on a tree removing service and when the cheapest time is to do so. Not winter yet? Perhaps try our gardening deals to pass the time.

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