When Is The Best Time To Buy A New Cell Phone?

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Getting a good deal on a new phone requires you to purchase it at the right time. You may feel good about getting it when it officially goes on sale, but it’s generally a big mistake. To maximize savings, you need to be patient and smart when buying a new handset. That said, when is the best time to buy a new cell phone?


The 6 best times to invest in a new cell phone are below!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Some of the best periods to buy a new cell phone are during seasoned specials such as Black Friday, Amazon Prime day, Cyber Mondays, and the day after Boxing day. These Specials generally include significant discounts on new handsets and the best deals for slightly older generation devices.
  • Pre-ordering a new phone before it is released can save you sums of money. Pre-ordering may also include attachments like a charger, earbuds, unique phone covers, selecting the phone’s color, and more.
  • Each cell phone brand has a unique approach regarding when to invest in a new one. While specials like Black Friday and Amazon Prime Day have their perks, some brands offer special deals for celebrating special occasions, like Techtopber and Techtember (October And September), to celebrate the brand or model-birthday specials.

Knowing When It Is The Best Time To Buy A New Cell Phone

These days, new phones are introduced left, right, and center, with the more recent models always appearing to be just around the corner. With that in mind, it can be challenging to determine the optimal moment to purchase a new gadget, especially if you want to avoid it becoming obsolete quickly.

If you ask yourself when the best time is to buy a new cell phone, know that the answer is in the question itself: time. Timing plays a role in supply and demand, especially on fast-moving goods like cell phones that influence our reason to buy because of popular trends, desired features, access to the internet, how we rely on them for communication, etc.

As a result, phones have evolved into significant investments. Sure, some budget-friendly alternatives are available, but after taxes and accessories are included, you’re looking at paying at least a few hundred dollars.


Of course, that doesn’t even take into account the service plan! The good news is that getting a decent bargain on a new phone is still doable, bringing us back to buying at the right time. That said, let’s look at some of the best times to buy a new cell phone.

1. During A Pre-Order Period

Buying a phone shortly after it goes on sale is not the ideal choice if you want to save money, as previously said. Instead, getting it during the pre-order period is a far better option. You’ll still be one of the first to purchase the item, but you’ll save money or, at the very least, get far more bang for your buck.

During the pre-order period, you may expect two sorts of discounts. The first is a one-time discount. Some merchants may try to undercut the competition to obtain more pre-orders, so check all significant retailers before placing your purchase.

Pre-ordering also ensures that you receive the exact model and color you want—no need to worry about it selling out before you get to your nearest Best Buy. As a result, you may rest assured that you will receive the precise model, color, and storage choices.

It’s a terrific approach to ensure you receive what you want if you already know what you’re searching for. If you’re undecided, look at the alternatives that have been carefully put out to assist you in making a selection. Furthermore, pre-ordering a phone with an outright purchase often ensures home delivery. Many individuals like to pre-order since it is more convenient.

Pre-ordering a Samsung Galaxy S21 smartphone, for example, netted you up to $200 in credit and a Samsung Galaxy SmartTag, which is a terrific way to keep track of your bright new handset. Samsung has provided discounts and Galaxy Buds with pre-orders in the past, and it isn’t the only company to do so. For example, OnePlus included its OnePlus Buds Z with the OnePlus nine series this year.


2. One Month Before A New Model Is Released

This suggestion is just for individuals who are content with receiving a soon-to-be-last-generation phone model. The optimum time to buy a new phone’s predecessor is around a month before the current model is released because that’s when merchants start giving discounts to clear out their inventory.

Discounts, sometimes even higher, are available right after the new phone is released. If you wait too long, though, stores may run out of stock. From $1,000 behemoths to a $200 budget smartphone, all phones will decrease in price over time.

And, since they’re all becoming cheaper, why not consider picking up a phone that was already cheap when it first came out and is much cheaper now?

Lower-end hardware is already at a disadvantage in terms of performance and functionality. In addition, when you throw in the fact that this phone is already a year old, we’re more than a few steps away from flagship territory.

There’s no arguing with you if all you care about is the sticker price, but if obtaining a terrific deal — rather than merely the lowest possible price — is a priority for you, look at last year’s flagships instead. High-end cellphones aren’t like new vehicles, where depreciation begins when you take one home and eat away at the value.

They are, nevertheless, things for which consumers feel justified in paying a premium for the latest and best. So, while depreciation will take a bit longer, demand will fall by the time a next-generation model is released (or even looming just over the horizon), resulting in cheaper pricing.

3. When Black Friday Specials Are In Effect

The Friday after the final Thursday in November is traditionally known as Black Friday, and it is an important shopping day. Yes, it is nearly precisely one month before the end-of-year holidays, and many online buyers take advantage of this to get their Christmas shopping done.


However, this day is unique in that it falls at the end of the smartphone market season, following Techtember (September) and Techtober (October). All of the year’s flagships have already been launched before November, regardless of whether they are from Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Google, or any other manufacturer.

When it comes to the mid-range market, significant launches, such as those from Redmi, Poco, OnePlus, or Realme, are usually scheduled for the year.

At the very least, if you’re still uncertain about which model to buy, you’ll have lots of options. More importantly, you won’t have to worry about FOMO (fear of missing out) for a better model because no other (major) smartphones are expected to be released soon after.

Outside of the legal sale periods that follow, Black Friday is also when smartphone price cuts are at their highest. So it is probably the most likely moment for a smartphone introduced in early 2021 to see its first genuinely significant price decrease. It is particularly true for Android devices, but it also applies to iPhones, and even the iPhone 13 isn’t immune, as we just saw with some recent offers.

Remember that many stores begin advertising offers a week or so before Black Friday officially begins, so start your homework then. Also, don’t forget about Cyber Monday sales, which occur on the Monday after Black Friday.

4. During The Prime Day Specials

Amazon Prime Day began as a 24-hour shopping event, but Amazon expanded it to 48 hours due to its success. It occurs in various markets, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, India, Germany, and others. In addition, in 2015, Amazon created Prime Day to commemorate the site’s 20th anniversary.

While the retailer’s event encompasses everything from speakers to baby clothing and everything in between, particular goods, such as cellphones, tend to receive the most significant discounts. The festival is regularly held in the middle of July, but not necessarily on the same day. If you’re a Prime member, Amazon’s shopping day is something you should absolutely keep an eye on.

Mobile phone plans may cost upwards of $1000, especially for flagship devices. Nevertheless, many have seen price cuts of up to $500 in previous years and cheap handsets with prices as low as $100 in some cases.

As a result, Amazon’s Prime Day event is one of the best times to open your wallet if you’ve been considering upgrading your smartphone, and it’s the second-best time to acquire a new smartphone after the enormous Black Friday event.


5. Purchase A New Cell Phone After Boxing Day

The day following Christmas is known as Boxing Day (December 26). Countries such as the United Kingdom, US, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and a few others give significant discounts on phones and other items.

However, in nations where Boxing Day is not traditionally observed, it is becoming an excuse for merchants to attract customers and improve sales by offering various bargains. So, regardless of where you reside, it’s worth looking into phone bargains on this day.

While many people know Boxing Day, even in nations where it is not observed, few are aware that offers are available throughout the week after Christmas. Moreover, these discounts are typically extended into January.

6. Know When To Buy A Specific Model

It’s time to be a little more specific now. So I looked at price charts for some of the most popular phones on the market, like the iPhones, Samsung Galaxy Notes, Galaxy S phones, and OnePlus devices, to see when you can get your hands on them for the best price. As a result, the following is what I found.

When Is The Best Time To Buy iPhones?

Every September, Apple releases the latest iPhone generation. Although the tech giant isn’t known for its substantial discounts, there are a few reasonable offers from stores and carriers around Black Friday, which occurs about two months after the phones are introduced.

Therefore, your best bet is to contact your cell phone provider. That said, consumers who purchase an iPhone 13 series handset with a valid trade-in can save up to $700 with AT&T.

Every Black Friday, there is a slew of iPhone bargains to choose from, but they vary from year to year. So you’ll have to perform some independent investigation to pick the one that best meets your needs.

When Is The Best Time To Buy Samsung Galaxy Note And S Phones?

Samsung’s next Galaxy S phone is usually released in early spring, and trade-in bargains are your best bet for saving money. If you were ready to leave with your prior handset, you might save hundreds of dollars on the Galaxy S21 series. You might also wait until the summer when significant discounts are available without the need for a trade-in.

Furthermore, if you wish to get your hands on the next Galaxy Note as soon as possible and at a terrific price, Black Friday is your best bet a few months after the phone is released. There doesn’t look to be a Note 21 series on the horizon, so you may as well get a Note 20 while you can.

When Is The Best Time To Buy OnePlus Cell Phones?

OnePlus phones are best purchased either Black Friday or December. OnePlus provided a $200 discount on the OnePlus 9 Pro during Black Friday in the United States last year. Similar offers were offered in other countries, including the United Kingdom, where customers could save money on the entire OnePlus 9 lineup.

If you missed OnePlus’ Black Friday bargains, you might still save money by purchasing a handset from the firm in December. In January 2022, for example, OnePlus celebrated its ninth birthday with a sale. Keep in mind, though, that OnePlus may not celebrate every anniversary to the same extent.

On Boxing Day, December 26, OnePlus typically provides discounts. OnePlus also offers discounts in August as part of their Back to School sale and on Black Friday and December.

Should I Buy A Refurbished Cell Phone?

There’s a considerable difference between used and refurbished (or reconditioned) phones; thus, refurbished phones may save you a lot of money.

However, the majority of used phones are offered “as is.” On the other hand, refurbished phones frequently appear to be brand new, come with a fresh battery, and are backed by a guarantee. If you opt to buy a reconditioned phone, double-check the model number to ensure it’s a US model with your carrier’s LTE band support.

Also, purchase from reputable retailers (such as Apple, Best Buy, Gazelle, and others) to ensure that the phone is genuinely refurbished and not blacklisted.

Should You Trade In Your Old Phone For A New One?

It’s a terrific way to save money on your next purchase by trading your old phone for a new one. Look for guaranteed trade-in offers from carriers or manufacturers, and compare them to Best Buy and Gazelle.

Dedicated trade-in sites aren’t as convenient as taking your old phone to the same store where you’re getting your new one, but they frequently pay more money. To get the best estimate, offer an accurate appraisal of your phone’s quality.

Is Buying An Unlocked Phone A Good Choice?

An unlocked phone won’t save you money at the time of purchase, but it will in the long run. Furthermore, unlocked phones allow you to shop around for the best bargain by enabling you to switch providers. They also have less bloatware (preinstalled software) than carrier phones, so you’re less likely to need extra storage.

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