FREE Uberduck AI Character Voice Cloning (Discord or Google Required)

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Have a ton of fun with Uberduck AI voice cloning; an online program that coverts the text you input into audio clips using the voices of beloved characters, celebrity impressions and lots more – similar to the program. Options are subject to change, but categories you can choose from include rappers; celebrity voice impressions; movies like Frozen and Madagascar; Marvel and DC Comics; show like Breaking Bad and lots of others.


How to get your voice overs:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Choose the category of synthesizer you would like and the specific character voice from that category.
  3. Hit “Sign In to Synthesise Speech”.
  4. Proceed by signing in with Discord or Google.
  5. Enter the text you wish to synthesise.
  6. Play your message and download it too if you wish. Enjoy!

* Google or discord required. Full terms and conditions apply.  

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