FREE Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Truly Grass Fed Pack (Must Apply To Host Tryazon Party)

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Apply to host a Tryazon party and if you get selected you’ll get a free party pack with the following prizes: 4 Free Item Coupons for Truly Grass Fed products, 1 Host Gift – Thermal Stainless Steel Wine Glass, 10 Guest Gifts – Star Shaped Cookie Cutter, 10 $1.00 Off Coupons for TGF products for guests and more.


Tryazon is a party site where you apply to host a party with friends in exchange for party packs that are packed with freebies. Tryazon will choose 150 hosts for this party. Apply below!

How to apply for a free party kit:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Make you have signed up to be a Tryazon Host before you begin.
  3. Scroll down and hit “Apply Now”, go through the questions and other hoops to apply!
  4. You will be notified by 02/17/2021 if you are selected, good luck!

* US Only. Must apply and be selected to get free party pack, it’s almost like a contest. Apply by 02/15/2021. Not getting picked? See the Tryazon FAQ to learn how they pick hosts.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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-John ‘Samples’ Clark.

Home » Free Food Samples, Coffee Samples, Tea Samples & General Free Food » FREE Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Truly Grass Fed Pack (Must Apply To Host Tryazon Party)