FREE $125 for Youth Sports Coaches in Online Study (Must Apply)

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Are you a youth sports coach? You could be a great fit for Recruit & Field’s new online study! Adult males and females from across the states are welcome to apply, and this applies to both paid and volunteer coaching positions. The study will take place the week of February 10th and requires you have a webcam and an hour of your time to spare. All successful participants will receive $125 for completing the study.


How to apply:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Enter your name, contact information, city and state, gender and age.
  3. Note additional details including ethnicity, marital and employment statuses, occupation and income bracket.
  4. Note that you would be available for an hour long Zoom interview the week of February 10th.
  5. Answer sports coaching related questions including if you coach or teach children sports, the ages of the youth you teach, if you coach at varsity level, the types of sports you coach, if it’s a paid or volunteer position and more.
  6. You will be contacted if selected. Good luck!

* US only.

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