Win FREE Reusable Shopping Bag from Earthbound Farm

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Everything we do impacts the Earth – including shopping. Earthbound Farm is highlighting Earth Month by giving away 12,000 reusable shopping bags. You could win one too by simply taking a quiz to find out how green your shopping is!


How to enter:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Hit “Start Quiz.”
  3. Questions include which mode of transport you use to go grocery shopping or if you shop online, what your indispensable grocery shopping accessory is, and your shopping philosophy.
  4. Other questions include how you wish your shops could improve, what type of purchases you buy and your pet peeves when it comes to grocery stores.
  5. Enter your name, email and address at the end of the quiz to be entered into the competition and to see your quiz results!

* US only. Ends 4/30/19. Winners notified on or around 5/8/19.

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