Win FREE Box of Rainbow + Unicorn Lucky Charms Marshmallows (Code Required)

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Discover the magic of sweet marshmallow-ness with a free box of Rainbow and Unicorn Lucky Charms Marshmallows! All you need to enter is a code found in specially marked boxes, or a free code that you can request. There are 15,000 boxes to be won, so you definitely have a shot of getting your free box.


How to enter:

  1. You can purchase a qualifying box of Lucky Charms to get a code.
  2. You may also request a free code by mail-in request postmarked by September 3, 2019 and received by September 10, 2019.
  3. Hand print your name, address, email address, and year of birth on a 3″ x 5″ piece of paper and mail it in an envelope with proper postage and the name of your local retailer written on the outside of the envelope, to “Lucky Charms Marshmallow Only,” c/o HelloWorld, Inc., P.O. Box 5031, Department 838896, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-5031.
  4. You can also get a free code online by visiting from September 4, 2019 to September 17, 2019.
  5. Once you have your code you can visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  6. Select your age and click “Next.”
  7. Add your code and hit “Enter” to be a winner!

* US/DC only. Ages 18 and older. Phase one ends 6/17/19. All phases end 9/17/19. Limit 1 product code request per envelope. All mail-in requests must be handwritten and must be postmarked by September 3, 2019 and received by September 10, 2019.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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Home » Free Samples Without Surveys By Mail » Win FREE Box of Rainbow + Unicorn Lucky Charms Marshmallows (Code Required)