Win FREE $1,000 in Check ‘n Go Anniversary Sweepstakes

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Check ‘n Go is celebrating their 25th anniversary by awarding 25 lucky people with a $1,000 check. All you have to do is complete the entry form saying why you love Check ‘n Go, so put your entry through now to stand a chance at winning one of these nice cash prizes!


How to enter:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Hit “Enter Now.”
  3. Add your name, contact information and address.
  4. Say how long you have been a customer at Check ‘n Go.
  5. Write a short but captivating message about why you love Check ‘n Go and about a time Check ‘n Go helped you.
  6. Hit “Enter Now” and good luck!

* US, DC and Puerto Rico only. Ages 18 and older. Limit of 1 entry per person/email. Ends 7/25/19.

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