Possible FREE Twin Pack Baby Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gel for Teething (Must Apply)

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Parents with active social media accounts can apply through Smiley 360 to try a free twin pack of Baby Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gels for teething. You will then share your experience with photos and a review, sharing how your little one responded to the teething gel and how it is different from others you have used. You must also note how it makes you feel knowing that the gel is pediatrician-recommend.


How to apply:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Sign in or create a free account. Look for the offer in your dashboard.
  3. Apply to the product testing by providing additional information about yourself and your children. Good luck!

* US only.

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Home » Free Samples Without Surveys By Mail » Possible FREE Twin Pack Baby Orajel Non-Medicated Cooling Gel for Teething (Must Apply)