Possible FREE Natural Lip Balm from Buttern & Soap Co

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Get a possible FREE Natural Lip Balm from Butter & Soap Co! Simply follow the steps to request your freebie. Special thanks to Sarah for sharing this deal! This might be Canada only but they do ship to the US for cheapish shipping on their store. This was originally shared on their Facebook page, not sure about this samplesrequest.com domain which seems a little sketchy to me so that is also why this is a possible sample.


How to get your free lip balm:

  1. Scuttle over to the company’s website by clicking Get This Offer (External Website)
  2. Fill out your contact and shipping details
  3. Click Submit and wait with bated breath for your freebie to process!

* Canada only? Additional terms & conditions may apply. Offer subject to change at any time.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


Please help keep this site alive, it takes a lot of work for one person and it’s getting much less rewarding to keep running this because of how the internet is changing. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
-John ‘Samples’ Clark.

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