FREEBATE UTI Fast-Acting Pain Relief at GIANT (Thingtesting Rebate Required)

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Grab a free UTI Fast-Acting Pain Relief sample after Thingtesting rebate for a limited time! This innovative product from Winx Health offers quick relief for urinary tract discomfort. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to try a solution that could make a significant difference in your comfort and well-being – read on for full instructions on how to claim your free sample.


How to get your free UTI pain relief with Thingtesting rebate:

  1. Visit the Thingtesting rebate page for Winx Health by clicking “Get This Offer”.
  2. Register or log in to your Thingtesting account to activate the rebate.
  3. Purchase UTI Fast-Acting Pain Relief from a GIANT retailer and keep the receipt.
  4. Submit a photo of your receipt to Thingtesting before October 31th 2024.

* US only. Thingtesting rebate required. Limit one per household. While supplies last. Purchase from participating retailer. Upload receipt and product image before offer expiration. Reimbursement excludes tax and shipping.

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