FREE ThermoFisher Scientific Shaker Bottle (Company Name Required)

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Hurry! You can receive a free new Thermo Scientific Solaris Open Air Orbital Shaker simply for answering a few questions on how you currently use your laboratory shaker. These great shaker bottles have a compact benchtop design, a touchscreen that is programmable, a safe design and are easy to clean up.


How to get your free shaker bottle:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Check the box noting that you want a free shaker bottle, note the type of orbital shaker you currently use, the applications you use it for, how many your lab has per shaker, the speed range you require in a shaker, the vessels you use most often, your primary area of research and your industry.
  3. Enter your name, business name, contact information and address.
  4. Hit “Submit” to request your free shaker.

* US only. Limit 1 request per address.

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