FREE TeaZa Tobacco-Free Energy Pouches

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Quit the habit with TeaZa Tobacco-Free Pouches! These pouches are crammed with healthy ingredients that bust your cravings for tobacco products. TeaZa Pouches are made with herbs and vitamins and are also nicotine-free, gluten-free and nut-free, as well as vegan.


How to get your free sample:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Provide your name, contact information and address.
  3. Choose the flavor of the sample you would like between Peppermint, Tropical Energy or Bangin’ Black Cherry Bomb (you are not limited to one option and are not guaranteed of the flavor choice.)
  4. Hit “Submit Form” and your free sample will be sent!

* US only. Limit one sample request per household.

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