FREE Steak ‘n Shake Double ‘n Cheese Steakburger ‘n Fries (Signup + Purchase Required)

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Join Steak ’n Shake’s eClub to be the first to know about exclusive deals and get great freebies like a Specialty Milkshake on your birthday. Best of all, you get a coupon for a free Original Double ‘n Cheese Steakburger ‘n Fries when you join!


How to get your burger and chips:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Enter your name, contact information, zip, favorite location, birthdate and gender.
  3. Note a few other basic details such as if you have kids under 12, if you use the drive-thru, and what you favorite go-to food is.
  4. Sign-up, then check your email for your coupon and redeem in stores with any purchase that is over $1!

* US only. Print or present on your mobile device. Reproductions not accepted, and offer can only be used once. Offer valid for one (1) free Original Double ’n Cheese Steakburger ’n Fries only at participating locations with any purchase over $1. Not valid on a Drive-Thru Combo. Does not include taxes or gratuity. Not valid with any other offer, no substitutions, and not transferable. Expires 10/01/19.

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