FREE Read Conmigo Books For K-5th Grade Children

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Parents play a vital role in childhood literacy. Read Conmigo is giving away free printed books to Latino families, schools, and libraries to promote the distinct educational, social, and financial benefits of bilingualism and provide parents with free tools and resources to help them create a lifelong love of reading in their children. If you are a parent of kids, from babies to 5th graders you can subscribe here to score free printed books delivered to your home. Or sign up as a teacher and receive a packet of books for your classroom as well as other teaching materials. Being a member of Read Conmigo, you will also get immediate access to 45 eBooks in the online library and early notification of new books, events in your area and contests. Don’t wait – this offer may shut down quickly. Become a member today by filling out the form and enjoy all the benefits!


How to get free samples:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Enter your name, email address and create a password. Then select “Parent”, “Teacher” or others and add your shipping information.
  3. Register your kid by entering the name, gender and birth date to get him/her enrolled in the birthday club and receive a free personalized gift during his/her birthday month.
  4. Hit “Sign Up” and they will send the books right at your door! Happy Reading!
  5. To download eBooks available, use this link to visit the online library.

* Printed books only available in certain cities throughout the United States. Books are for children in Pre-K through 5th Grade only. Printed books only available in certain cities. While supplies last. Please allow up to 10 weeks or more for delivery & processing. Samples may or may not come depending on if the company can fulfill the samples or any reason up to their discretion at all. These are not official terms, they are the best approximation of the requirements for this offer.

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