FREE Name Tag Samples from Name Tag Country (Companies Only)

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Name Tag Country has a selection of customizable name tags and other work-place related accessories including desk plates and door signs. You can get a feel for the quality of their name tags by ordering a free sample pack which includes an Epoxy coated metal name tag, a standard non-Epoxy coated metal name tag, a laser engraved plastic name tag, and a digitally printed plastic tag.


How to get your free sample package:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Enter quantity “1” and click “Begin Order.”
  3. You may choose to add any additional comments then hit “Add to Cart” and “Checkout.”
  4. Click “Create An Account.”
  5. Enter your name, company name and contact information. Choose a password as well.
  6. Provide your shipping information and your free sample pack will be mailed to you.

* US only.

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