FREE Gifts Daily From Wish App (Mobile App Required)

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The Wish App (known for very cheap products from China and other countries) has a new feature called the Daily Giveaway that starts 9PM to 9:15PM every day where you can get a free product with free shipping. There are usually only 10-50 available of each product but it’s worth a shot if you are looking for a freebie! Thanks to Kara for sharing.


Note: This might be for select accounts/apps only, some folks do not have this feature yet. Also, here is a tip to increase chances of winning, if you don’t want to watch the video, the gist is that you basically keep swiping left/right or hit “Current” tab around the time it’s supposed to go live until it says “Claim”, then you have to be super fast.
Another tip is you can switch the time zone back and forth to enter more than once if you miss the giveaway at 9PM for example, you can switch to next time zone and play again at 10PM.Thanks Alexandra for tips!

How to get free gifts:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Login or register for the Wish App for iOS here or Android here.
  3. Once you login, click the gift box icon to see the latest giveaways and if it’s active or not. Then just tap and follow instructions to claim when it’s live.
  4. Optional: Use promo code ntbjtgc on your first order to get up to 50% off!

* While supplies last. Mobile app only.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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