FREE Fund Flakes Sample Package (Groups Only)

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Fund Flakes don’t only offer a delicious range of cereals and granola snacks, but also believe in giving back to communities in the best possible ways. Fund Flakes are giving out free sample packages including cereals, granola and other products that are healthy, tasty, and great for filling up on the go.


Only request a sample if you are a part of a group or organization (you do not have to be registered as a non-profit). For-profit and political groups do not qualify for samples.

How to get your free sample:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Scroll to the submissions form and enter your name and contact information.
  3. Provide the name of the group you belong to as well as your title/role in the group.
  4. Enter your shipping address.
  5. Select how you heard about Fund Flakes and add any additional comments you may have.
  6. Submit to receive your sample package!

* US only (void AK + HI). Shipping takes approximately two (2) business days.

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