FREE Caring For A Person With Alzheimer’s Disease: Your Easy-To-Use Guide From The National Institute On Aging

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If you are caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease, you know that as the disease progresses your loved one’s ability to manage daily tasks will decline. The National Institute on Aging is giving away free copies of Caring for a Person with Alzheimer’s Disease: Your Easy-to-Use Guide to provide you with all necessary caregiving tips, safety information, and common medical problems. You can order your free paper copy here (up to 25 items) or download a digital version of this comprehensive, easy-to-read guide here. In addition, they offer a Spanish version here for those who are Spanish native speakers. Consider practical tips to help your loved one maintain a sense of independence and dignity as he or she becomes dependent on you and other family members or caregivers. Free shipping is included.

How to get free guide:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Select the quantity of the guide you would like to order (up to 25) and add to cart.
  3. To proceed to checkout, enter your contact and shipping information.
  4. Hit “Place the Order” to collect your free guide in the mail shortly!

* US Only. The copy limit is 25. While supplies last. Please allow up to 10 weeks or more for delivery & processing. The guide may or may not come depending on if the company can fulfill the free guides or any reason up to their discretion at all. These are not official terms, they are the best approximation of the requirements for this offer.


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