FREE ASTA Travel Mexico Poster for Educators

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American Student Travel Abroad (ASTA) is offering this beautiful poster on Mexico free to educators. The poster is also courtesy of the Mexican Travel Board, and serves to educate and inspire students who have an interest in exploring other countries as a part of education!


How to get your free poster:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Enter your name, your school’s name, your contact information and address.
  3. Note the type of institution you teach at and if you are a Spanish teacher.
  4. Answer a few more basic questions including if you have ever conducted a student tour group to Mexico or any other countries.
  5. Submit to receive your free poster while supplies last.

* US only. Limited time offer. While supplies last.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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