FREE ALSF Fundraising Kit

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Looking to raise money for a great cause like fighting childhood cancer? Try this free ALSF Fundraising Kit if you intend to raise money by starting your lemonade stand. If not, maybe skip this one for someone else. Each kit includes ALSF Plastic Banner (2′ x 3′), Stand Advertiser Sign (8.5″ x 11″), Goal Poster (11″ x 17″), Pad of Paper Lemons, ALSF Brochures, “How to Hold an ALSF Event” Booklet with FAQs, tips for talking to kids about cancer, using your event page and a donation return form, Tabletop Thank You Sign, Donation Container Sticker, Prepaid Donation Return Envelope, Coloring Page and Childhood Cancer Hero Poster with Facts Infographic.


How to get free kit:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Hit “Register” then follow the steps to register your lemonade stand!

* US Only. For Fundraisers only. Limit one set per household. While supplies last. Please allow up to 10 weeks or more for delivery & processing. Samples may or may not come depending on if the company can fulfill the samples or any reason up to their discretion at all. These are not official terms, they are a best approximation of the requirements for this offer.

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