FREE $100 for Online Study about Savings (Ages 25-55 + Must Apply)

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Plaza Research needs men and women ages 25-55 for an upcoming study regarding savings. The study will be conducted as a 45 minute webcam interview from August 13th to August 14th. You will be compensated $100 for your time if you are selected!


How to apply:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)” and hit “Next”.
  2. Enter your name, contact information and address. Also specify your employment status.
  3. Answer basic questions related to your finances such as if you are responsible for caring for your household’s accounts and bills, if you have a savings account and/ or investments, and the reasons why you started saving.
  4. Also answer questions related to you habits and attitudes regarding money such as if you spend without thinking, are ever envious of the things other people can afford, if you like to plan out your purchases and similarly related information.
  5. You will be contacted if you are selected. Good luck.

* US only.

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