Enter Daily: Win FREE Trip to England, Thailand & Mexico in M&M’s Flavor Vote Sweepstakes

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Vote for your favorite new and unique flavor of M&M’S to stand a chance of winning a trip to England, Thailand and Mexico! If you win, you will receive a check for $14,914 and can choose to either have a “around the world trip” with one stop in all three countries, or a trip to one of the countries (your choice of England, Thailand or Mexico)!


How to enter:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Enter your date of birth and hit “Go.”
  3. Hit “Vote and Enter” then choose your favorite flavor (Mexican Jalapeño, Thai Coconut or English Toffee) and hit “Next.”
  4. Enter your name and email and click “Vote and Enter.” Good luck.

* US, DC and Puerto Rico. 18 years of age or older. Limit 1 entry per person or email address per day. Ends May 17, 2019.

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