100’s of FREE Workout Videos From Fitness Blender

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Not sure if you all saw the Daily Burn free 90-day membership Groupon going on, I didn’t want to post it because it required a credit card AND after the 90 days it would bill you $14.95 a month.. ? … what kind of freebie is that? It’s a stealthy re-billing scheme more than anything. Anyways, I found a good site that has hundreds of workout videos for actually free called Fitness Blender. It might be a little more dry compared to the Daily Burn fancy-pants videos but I found their videos more genuine (and again, free). They do have paid workout programs as well but if you just wanted a free workout to do, they have 100’s of free ones for you to get started.


How to watch free videos:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Just start browsing! And you can use the search bar on the left hand-side to find specialized works outs.
  3. Have a great, free, workout!

* Some motivation required.

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