10 FREE CoinStarter Tokens For Joining Platform

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Join the CoinStarter Platform to immediately get 10 CoinStarter tokens which is worth about $1.65 based on their current pricing as of the time of this writing. It could be worth $3,000 someday or $0! Either way it’s free currency that you can eventually withdraw from places like Coinbase. This one looks pretty good and has a team of people I’m actually connected with on LinkedIn so I’m intending to hold this coin for a long period of time. The platform itself is like Kickstarter in that it helps entrepreneurs, innovators and creators bring their ideas to life. Get your 10 free coins below!

How to get free CoinStarter Tokens:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Scroll down where it says “Sign Up” and create an account with your email address.
  3. Hit “Sign Up”, then it’ll take you to login and you will get a pop up notifying you of your 10 coins and ways to earn more.
  4. You can also enter your wallet for when they send the coins next year. You’d need a wallet address from Coinbase or MyEtherWallet.
  5. In the meantime, share with your friends and family or follow the other activities like logging in daily to earn more tokens, note: our link is included in this post.

* Valid email address required. Do not create multiple accounts risk your funds being deleted.


Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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-John ‘Samples’ Clark.

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