FREE Prayer Packets & Prayer Shawls from St. Peregrine Cancer Ministry
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St. Peregrine Cancer Ministry offers a Prayer Packet and also Prayer Shawls to help pray for those with cancer. The shawls are handmade by volunteers who pray for each person as they craft the shawl. Please note that prayer shawls are sent out to those who request shawls or blankets as quantities permit.
How to get free prayer packets/shawls:
- Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
- Check that you would like a free Prayer Packet, Prayer Shawl or other.
- Note if you would like prayer cards mailed out or sent online.
- Enter the name of the person you would like prayer for.
- Add contact information and address.
- Share something about you/them, and please describe current treatment.
- Answer a few more questions including if you would like prayer for yourself too.
- Hit “Submit” to request your prayer packet/ shawl, while supplies last.
* US only. Limit 1 request per address, while supplies last.