FREE 24/7 Chats with a Licensed Veterinarian by Royal Canin &

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Royal Canin and have teamed up to offer you free healthcare advice for your pets with live web chats 24/7 from a licensed veterinarian! You can start you free chat online now or by sending a text.


Please note: The consulting vet will be limited to the type of advice they can give you without a proper exam or existing vet/ patient relationship.

How to get in touch with a vet:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Create a free account with your name, contact information, zip and a password to get started!
  3. Or text chatnow to 67076 to get in touch with a vet.

* US only. Full terms and conditions apply. Live web chats are not a substitute for seeing your vet.

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