FREE Cubitron Fibre Abrasion Disc Sample from 3M (Company Name Required)

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3M’s Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 982CX Pro cuts 33% faster than the original 982C fibre disc, and is available in 36+ grit and a range of sizes and attachment types. Request a free sample now!


How to get a free sample:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. “Hit Request a Sample”.
  3. Enter your name, company name and contact details, and address.
  4. Also note your industry and job role, as well as application purpose and intended use.
  5. Hit “Submit” to request your free sample, while supplies last.

* US only. Limit 1 request per address, while supplies last.

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