THIS IS FAKE: “FREE” EnergiOne Vegan Superfood Bar Sample

Important Note: When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Content, pricing, offers and availability are subject to change at any time - more info.

1/19/19 Update: This is showing a “Can You Help Us?” pop up after you fill out the form now which is a 100% confirmation it’s a scam to solely generate profit for the website owner via scammy surveys. The affiliate/scammy survey revenue isn’t enough to cover any sort of shipping costs which makes this a 100% chance you won’t get a single thing from this fake website. It’s soley to scam you and perhaps even sell your information. Bottom line: Avoid this offer that lives on

Old offer text
Request this EnergiOne Vegan Superfood Bar for free for a limited time only! This is a very strong possible only freebie, don’t hold your breathe as this website has no social media pages and it was registered 12-17-2018.

How to get free sample bar:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Enter your contact and shipping information
  3. Hit “Submit” and wait for your freebie request to process!

* US Only. Limit one set per household. While supplies last. 18+ years of age only. Please allow up to 10 weeks or more for delivery & processing. Samples may or may not come depending on if the company can fulfill the samples or any reason up to their discretion at all. These are not official terms, they are a best approximation of the requirements for this offer.


THIS IS FAKE: “FREE” EnergiOne Vegan Superfood Bar Sample

Please help keep this site alive, it takes a lot of work for one person and it’s getting much less rewarding to keep running this because of how the internet is changing. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
-John ‘Samples’ Clark.

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