FREE Silk Swatch Samples from Mulberry Park Silks

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Get these complimentary silk fabric swatches to aid your next design project or simple curiosity. Just follow the instructions below to request these freebies. They are of the highest quality and allow you to feel the texture before purchasing larger silk pieces. Also, they offer a great way to compare colors and find the perfect match for your current décor!


How to get your free silk fabric swatches:

  1. Visit Mulberry Park Silk’s website by clicking Get This Offer (External Website)
  2. Navigate to the silk swatch samples product page
  3. Click Add to Cart and proceed
  4. Checkout when you are done
  5. Finalize your order, shipping is free, and wait for your free silk fabric swatches to arrive at your doorstep!

* US only.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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-John ‘Samples’ Clark.

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