FREE Google Nest Mini for Booking with (Code Required)

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Use to book your travel accommodation from now through April 30th, spend a minimum $150 including taxes, and get a free Google Nest Mini as a bonus!


How to get your free Nest Mini:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Enter your destination, travel dates (checkout on or before April 30th) and how many adults and children.
  3. Pick your spot, then hit “Reserve”.
  4. Note: if you are travelling for work, enter your name and contact information and add any additional requests you have, then hit “Next”.
  5. Enter your card details (minimum $150 including taxes) and use the promo code GOOGLENEST.
  6. Enjoy your vacation and claim your free Google Nest Mini by following the instructions in your email!

* Terms and conditions apply. Checkout must be on or before 4/30/20. Minimum $150 including taxes to qualify.

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