FREE Lunch Break Sandwich From GoFooji From 1PM – 4PM EST (Select Areas & Twitter Required)
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It looks like goFooji is hooking up people up with free Lunch Break Sandwich today to celebrate Bad Santa from 1PM to 4PM EST. It requires you have service coverage from and an account created there too.
If your order gets canceled make sure you have an account tied to your email you are using, that fixed it for me.
-John ‘Samples’ Clark
How to get free lunch:
- Login or register for Twitter if you haven’t already!
- Quick Tweet: Click here to do the tweet required (or click the blue deal link below)! or check it out right from GoFooji here.
- Tweet “Fix me a sandwich, Thurman! #BadSanta2 @BadSanta?” (or use the quick link above) to start your order, they will tweet you a link. From there click the link and confirm your order and wait for free food!
* Twitter required. Up to $20 value. Limited quantities. Expires whenever supplies are exhausted.