FREEBATE Flow Alkaline Spring Water at Target or Whole Foods (Ibotta Required)

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Thirsting for something good? Head to Target or Whole Foods for freebate Flow Alkaline Water by using Ibotta! There are currently 4 different rebate offers on Flow Alkaline Water, so just search Ibotta to find the deal that suits you best, and activate it before heading in-stores.


How to get this freebate:

  1. Head to Target or Whole Foods and purchase Flow Alkaline Spring Water for $1.59 – $2.39.
  2. Visit Ibotta by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)” and browse to find the offer once you are logged into Ibotta.
  3. Submit for a full rebate and enjoy your freebie!

* US only. Ibotta offers may vary. Expiration varies by account and rebate.

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