Win FREE Airtime + Samsung Galaxy Buds OR Apple AirPods in AT&T Sweepstakes

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Enter AT&T’s 2020 Prepaid Sweepstakes now and you could be one of 20 winners (4 each week) to score a great prize pack that includes a $100 AT&T Airtime card, and your choice of either Samsung Galaxy Buds Live OR Apple AirPods Pr0!


How to enter:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Answer the quick and easy quiz questions.
  3. Enter your full name, email and phone number.
  4. Agree to the terms, hit “Submit” and good luck!

* US/DC only. Age of majority to enter. Limit 1 entry per entry period. Ends 1/11/21.

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Home » Contests, Giveaways & Instant Win Sweepstakes » Win FREE Airtime + Samsung Galaxy Buds OR Apple AirPods in AT&T Sweepstakes