Win FREE 7 Day Cruise in Set Sail Together Sweepstakes (Ages 21 & Older)

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Enter the Set Sail Together Sweepstakes every month throughout the year, and you could be one of 12 lucky winners to score a seven-day cruise for two in a balcony stateroom aboard the Sky Princess, Enchanted Princess or Discovery Princess ships. The prize is valued at $2,500!


How to enter:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Scroll down to enter your name, contact information and address.
  3. Agree to the rules and hit “Submit”. Good luck!

* US/DC and Canada only (excluding Quebec). Ages 21 and older. Limit 1 entry per person/ email per entry period. First entry period ends 1/31/20.

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