Enter Daily: Win FREE Gift Cards, Checks & Prepaid Cards in Newport Instant Wins (Ages 21 & Older)

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Play the Newport Payday Pick 3 Instant Wins and you could get your hands on a Pick 3 Golden Ticket Prize which includes a $100 StubHub Gift Card, $75 Prepaid Debit Card, $50 Uber Gift Card, $50 Prepaid Debit Card, and $25 Prepaid Debit Card all valued at $300. There are also checks from $100 to $500 up for grabs, as well as more prepaid cards and Uber gift cards!


How to enter:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Login or signup by entering your date of birth, name, email and address.
  3. Agree to the terms and press “Next Step.”
  4. Play the instant games and you could walk away with these great prizes. Remember to come back daily for more chances at winning.

* US only (void in MA and MI). Open to tobacco users ages 21 or older. Social Security Number or other ID may be required. Limit one game play per email/ person per day. Ends September 24, 2019.

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Home » Contests, Giveaways & Instant Win Sweepstakes » Enter Daily: Win FREE Gift Cards, Checks & Prepaid Cards in Newport Instant Wins (Ages 21 & Older)