FREE Truth In Aging Beauty & Personal Care Products To Test & Keep

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Get a chance to test free anti-aging products, hair care, face care, eye care, body care and at home tools from Truth In Aging. Just join their Dare To Try program and you’ll get weekly surveys for a chance to test varying beauty and personal care products. Just follow the instructions below to know how to apply.


Note: If you get approved for any of these products, be prepared for extensive surveys and a bit of a time commitment.

Also, you used to be able to share the direct links to the surveys, but now they are unique to your email so you have to be a member of the program to get emails with your own unique link to apply for any new product tests.

How to apply:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Hit “Complete our entrance survey” to view the survey, take the survey and enter your contact information. If that survey link is outdated you can try going here.
  3. Hit “Done” when you are complete and wait for the weekly surveys for a chance to test their products!

* US Only. Valid email required. Testing opportunities may vary.

Get This Offer This will take you to an external offer website


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-John ‘Samples’ Clark.

Home » Free Beauty Samples, Makeup, Skin Care, Hair Care, Shampoos & Conditioners » FREE Truth In Aging Beauty & Personal Care Products To Test & Keep