Possible FREE Stella McCartney Beauty Serum Sample (Social Media Required)
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Score a possible free Stella McCartney Beauty Alter-Care Serum sample through their social media channels! This luxury skincare serum helps nourish and revitalize your skin with sustainable, clean beauty ingredients that deliver visible results. Check out the simple steps below to learn how to catch this coveted beauty sample when it appears in your social media feed.
How to get free Stella McCartney Beauty serum:
- Visit Facebook and Instagram to follow Stella McCartney Beauty.
- Like and comment on multiple Stella McCartney Beauty posts.
- Watch for sponsored ads offering the free Alter-Care Serum sample.
- Click “Get Offer” when the free sample ad appears in your feed.
* US only. Social media account required. Offer appears in sponsored social ads. Must follow and engage with brand accounts. Offer may change at any time.