FREE Products & Samples From Tryable In Exchange For Surveys & Feeback [Many Verified Received By Mail]

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Tryable is a brand new “try free samples in exchange for feedback” company from Oslo, Norway and they just launched in the US at the beginning of June 2016 and have been ramping up nicely in 2017! The goal of Tryable is to let the voice of consumers be heard by the brands and ultimately reward consumers for helping shape the brands with their feedback. Using Tryable is similar to Swaggable or SocialNature where you apply by taking a survey and wait to hear if you got approved or not for the sampling program. Currently their product selection is high quality but limited. Since I posted about them they have added more high quality products like the Nutiva Spread so check it out if you haven’t already.


1/29/20 They renamed the site to Tryable instead of Trybe now. Not sure why as the website looks 100% the same, but that is the new name, yay.

5/29/19 They have relaunched the website. You have to sign up again if you had an account before! It’s proven to be a good source of freebies since it has been around in the USA.

8/8/17 Update Since they launched in the USA- I have received 4 products so far and many other readers got products as well. After leaving a review for the lip lotion, I got 3 more sent in July. It looks as if they are expanding their offering more and like other platforms, they reward people who review! Now that I’ve gotten a few products in my hands from Trybe, it certainly makes it more of a platform I can get behind and believe in. Certainly worth a try if you haven’t tried Trybe yet with the recent freebies received on my end to say the least.
-John ‘Samples’ Clark

How to apply for products:

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
  2. Register for Trybe by hitting “Sign Up” – you will need to activate your account by clicking a link they email you.
  3. Once you active via your email, then finish taking a survey about you so they can match you with products.
  4. Now, click on the Trybe logo to go the the homepage and select any available product tests you’d like to apply for.
  5. Once on the product page click “Apply to try” and fill out the survey (they are a bit long, so be patient)
  6. Hit “Apply” and wait to see if you are approved for a free sample in exchange for your feedback!

* US/Europe Only. Limit one set per household. While supplies last. You must apply for each product, you are not guaranteed a sample by applying. If you are approved there are no costs for shipping and handling.

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