FREE Munchkin Lactation Teas, Sippy Cups & More for Product Testers (Must Apply)

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Apply to the new b2k Product Review Program and you could receive free Munchkin products in exchange for your honest reviews! You could get Milkmakers Lactation Tea in Lemon or Berry, a High’n Dry Bath Organizer, or a variety of Miracle 360° WildLove Sippy Cups and Trainer Cups. If you are selected, you will be sent the products at no cost. You must then leave a review on for each product within two weeks of receiving them (b2k will provide you with the URL’s for the designated review sites).


How to apply:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Enter your name, contact information and address.
  3. Specify how old your children are.
  4. Select which products you would like to review (you aren’t limited to the number of products you select).
  5. Confirm that you have a registered account online with Target, Walmart and BuyBuy Baby or that you will create the accounts before you sign up for the product testing.
  6. Submit and good luck!

* US only.

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