FREE Virtual Painting Classes by JOANN Stores

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Here is an awesome freebie you won’t want to miss if you love your arts and crafts: JOANN Stores is hosting free virtual painting classes on April 20th and May 13th! Plus, you can watch them for 30 days after the original airing.


Please note: These are recorded events. You will also need all your own supplies, nothing is provided for you.

How to participate:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Paint Nite: Lavender Falls will be hosted on April 20th at 7pm EST (check your local time).
  3. Paint Nite: Ocean Villa will be hosted on May 13th at 7pm EST (Check your local time).
  4. Hit “Buy” (price is $0).
  5. Choose your number of tickets and add your details.
  6. Hit “Submit Order”.
  7. Have fun getting creative!

* No supplies provided. Valid 4/20/21 and 5/13/21 at 7pm EST (check local times). Available for 30 days after the original airing.

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