Ends 3/31! FREE Arx Fatalis PC Game & The Art of Arkane Digital Book from Arkane Outsiders
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Join Arkane Outsiders now and you will receive The Art of Arkane digital art book for free AND score the PC Game Arx Fatalis for free too! Sign up ASAP as the Arx Fatalis offer expires on May 31st!
How to get your free book and game:
- Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
- Hit “Join Arkane Outsiders”.
- Continue with Facebook or create an account with your email, username and password and check the box to subscribe to emails.
- You must verify your email.
- You will get your free The Art of Arkane digital art book for signing up and email subscribers will score a Arx Fatalis for free as well. Enjoy!
* Ends 5/31/20.