Nearly FREE Innisfree Tote Bag and Beauty Samples (Credit Card Required + Pay $5.95 Shipping)
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Innisfree offers beauty solutions that nurish and nurture skin. The with products are made from the best natural ingredients responsibly sourced from Korea’s pristine Jeju Island – and Innisfree always gives back more than what they take. You can see that for yourself, as they have the cutest tote bags that you can get for free along with free serums and masks!
How to get your free tote and samples:
- Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
- Click on your tote to add to the bag. Then click on the bag in the right hand corner of your screen and hit “Checkout.”
- Login or create an account with your name, email and password.
- You will also get a free welcome kit and 3 additional samples including serums and masks added to your cart.
- Enter your shipping information.
- Add your card details for the shipping fee and complete your order. Enjoy!
* US only. Shipping of $5.95 required.